Tiers without Fear

Tools, resources, and insights for people who want to make an impact in Minnesota.


We’re glad you’re here: you may be taking the first steps in the teaching journey or you may already have some experience in this field- regardless, we are here to help. Please take a moment to learn about the journey, let us know some information in our assessment and we will let you know what your path to certification will look like!


This is a tool that will help guide you through the teacher licensure process in Minnesota. Through a series of simple questions, we’ll determine what tier you may qualify for and what requirements you may need to fulfill to move forward in your journey. 


You will be selecting your educational level, telling us about your teacher training and professional experience as well as any licensure exams you may have taken. You will be able to save your progress by sharing your email or take the assessment as many times as you'd like to explore the different routes to licensure. 


Tiers without Fear is open to everybody regardless of teaching experience or educational level. We encourage you to take a look and learn more about your unique path to becoming a teacher.

This tool is meant as a guide, not a guarantee. Pathways have been updated with legislation passed in 2023. There are still many details that will require further detail from career navigators or staff at the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board.

What are we hearing?

We encourage you to use this exploratory tool as a starting point in your teaching journey. The results here are not binding but should provide you with a good picture of where you are.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For any detailed questions, to confirm what tier license you qualify for, or to begin the process of becoming a licensed teacher, please reach out directly to the Professional Education Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) at pelsb@state.mn.us.

Web browsers: this tool is not designed for Internet Explorer, to ensure the best possible experience please use Google Chrome or Safari

Learn more about who made this tool possible by visiting the acknowledgements page .