Become Explore Become Grow Thrive Pathways to Teaching Question 1 of 121 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Resource 1 Additional text for this resource. Resource 2 What is the highest degree you have achieved?* * A minimum of a high school degree is required for any teaching license * In some pathways, the degree must align to the licensure field sought. No degree, yetAssociate's DegreeBachelor's DegreeMaster's Degree or Higher Which area do you plan to teach?*Career and Technical Education and Career PathwaysVisual or Performing ArtsWorld Languages Is your associate’s degree in one of the following areas?* Agricultural Business Communications Technology Construction Cosmetology Creative Designs Early Childhood Family and Consumer Science Firefighting Hospitality Services Law Enforcement Manufacturing Medical Transportation No degree in these areas Do you have five or more years of experience in one of the following?* * The selection in this area must align experience to licensure field sought. Agricultural Business Communications Technology Construction Cosmetology Creative Designs Early Childhood Family and Consumer Science Firefighting Hospitality Services Law Enforcement Manufacturing Medical Transportation None of these Do you have a certificate in one of the following areas?* * The selection in this area must align experience to licensure field sought. Agricultural Business Communications Technology Construction Cosmetology Creative Designs Early Childhood Family and Consumer Science Firefighting Hospitality Services Law Enforcement Manufacturing Medical Transportation No Certificate Do you have five or more years of experience in one of the following?* * The selection in this area must align experience to licensure field sought. DanceTheaterInstrumental MusicVocal MusicVisual ArtsNone of these Are you a native language speaker in a world language other than english?* * The selection in this area must align experience to licensure field sought. YesNo Resource 3 Additional text for this resource. Resource 4 Please select the item that represents your teacher training experience* * The selection in this area must align experience to licensure field sought. None of these i Completed approved Minnesota teacher preparation program i Completed teacher preparation program outside of Minnesota i National board certification Recommended for Minnesota licensure via portfolio i Enrolled in a PELSB-approved teacher preparation provider Please select your level of teaching experience:* * new parameters around this pathway were adopted in 2023 and take effect in 2024. Contact PELSB at for more information. * The selection in this area must align experience to licensure field sought. None of these Professional teaching license outside of Minnesota and two or more school years of teaching experience as the teacher of record in the licensed field i Effectively taught in Minnesota while holding a Minnesota Tier 2 teaching license as the teacher of record for a minimum of three school years in the same licensure field * i Three or more years of teaching experience as the teacher of record in the licensure field sought i Minnesota teacher licensure exams* None of these I completed teacher preparation, licensure via portfolio, or national board certification and thus do not need to take licensure exams. I have two years experience and/or a professional license in another state and need to take Minnesota licensure exams before qualifying for a Tier 3. I have three years experience on a Tier 2 license, and need to take Minnesota licensure exams before qualifying for a Tier 3. I have completed teacher preparation outside of Minnesota and need to check if exams from that state qualify in Minnesota. What is your employment status as a teacher of record?* * The selection in this area must align experience to licensure field sought. I do not have a job offer to be teacher of record with a Minnesota traditional public or charter school. i I do not currently hold a Minnesota teaching license but have a job offer to become teacher of record with a Minnesota traditional public or charter school. Would you like your selections emailed to you?*YesNoPlease provide us your email.* Enter Email Confirm Email