Educators for Excellence


Educators for Excellence works towards giving teachers a voice within politics, focusing on policies that impact their students and professions. By using a theory of change, the organization is focused on better outcomes for our students and the elevation of the quality and prestige of the teaching profession.


The program is serving everyone within the teaching sphere, though there is a specific element giving Teachers of Color a voice in a profession where they often go unheard. 

Within E4E we have a teacher leadership program that helps teachers find their voice and become leaders and advocates in the near future. These teachers can then also work on creating teacher-led policy recommendations on the issues that they face everyday within the classroom context.  


This is a national program that has a location in the Twin Cities Area. They also have monthly meetings for those interested in learning more, as well as cohorts of teachers that go through the leadership program. 

The leadership program occurs from August through March mainly,  but there are meetings on advocacy throughout the year.

E4E cultivates and trains teacher leaders of color to lead advocacy campaigns, write op eds and blogs, run for office, to lead on student centered change for equity. 

Contact: Shannon Mitchell


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Our Purpose